Sunday School
Meet on Sunday at 8:45 AM from September through May (academic year) downstairs in the classrooms on the north side of the building. Children study a Bible based curriculum in groups based on age and ability.
Parents are welcome to assist with Sunday School or join the Adult Bible Study during the same time in the fellowship hall across from the classrooms.
Sunday School Christmas Program
During Advent season the Sunday School Children practice and present a Christmas program on the 4th Sunday of Advent. After the service all members of the congregation join together for a luncheon.
Sunday School Rally Day Picnic
A picnic is held each year on the Sunday after Labor Day to celebrate the beginning of the Sunday School academic year. A picnic is held each year on the Sunday after Memorial Day to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Sunday School academic year. The congregation enjoys hamburgers, hot dogs, potluck side dishes and desserts and fun and games.
Vacation Bible School – VBS
For one week each summer Children from pre-K through 6th grade participate in a program filled with Bible based lessons, games, crafts, and science experiments that communicate the Good News through a creative and engaging themed program. Children are encouraged to bring their friends to participate with them in VBS.
Confirmation & First Communion
Pastor guides middle school children through a curriculum based on Luther’s Small Catechism to prepare for their Confirmation or Affirmation of Baptism.
Pastor guides elementary school children through a curriculum prior to their first Communion.