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“A popular bumper sticker at this time of year is, Jesus is the reason for the season. It’s a small and simple way to say that Jesus and His story, and not any of the many other stories and customs of this time of year, should be our main focus. Of course, it’s not Christmas yet. We’re still in the Advent season…
How ironic it is that the end of the Church Year, with its emphasis on the visible return of Christ from heaven and all that will accompany that great event – the resurrection of the dead; the final judgment, with its eternal reward and eternal punishment; a new heavens and a new earth, in which Christ alone rules – how ironic that…
All SAINTS DAY: You must go to the one whose sins bother you… one who, like you, was baptized into Christ and sealed with the name of the living God; who receives the blood of the Lamb, which washes the robe of his/her life and makes it white, free of every stain of sin. In Christ grumbling ceases and the holiness of…